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Re-opening of the elegant replica Patek Philippe Boutique in Ion

The cheap replica Patek Philippe boutique at Ion Orchard was established in 2009 when the mall opened. This year, it is revamped, enlarged and totally renewed. We attended the Media Launch event, and bring you these pictures of the new boutique. Later this evening, a private client dinner is organized for VIP Customers. 

Now occupying a space of about 265 square meters, more than 4 times the size when the boutique first opened in 2009 with 65 square meters of space. The premises is elegantly designed, and a new architectural signature.

The boutique also has a 34m long front facade which is used to showcase the current Patek Philippe collection. On the other side of the boutique, a magnificent frontage facing the Ion Orchard driveway into the carpark and taxi/limousine drop off point. This frontage is some 90m in length and greets every visitor who comes by motor vehicle.

At the same time very grand but still appearing inviting. The boutique features several rooms by the side of the entrance foyer, some concealed, others which can be closed off for additional privacy. “We built this large boutique, not because we can sell more Patek Philippe watch replica es replica”, explained Jeremy Lim, Executive Director of Cortina Watch who operates the boutique with Geneva Master Time, the sole agent for Patek Philippe in Singapore. “We are not going to get more watch replica es replica to sell”, he continued, seeming to hint that he would love to get more allocation of watch replica es replica. “But, to enhance the customer experience.”

The re-opening of the boutique signifies the 40 year old relationship between Patek Philippe and Cortina Watch.

The boutique is tastefully decorated, with design elements which are inspired by Patek Philippe boutiques in other locations. Like the use of the gorgeous, light wood panels of birdseye maple which have become as much a signature of the Patek Philippe boutiques are coupled with Indian rosewood and burnished brass. The walls and other elements are detailed with the iconic Calatrava Cross.

As 2016 is the 20th anniversary of the Annual Calendar, a complication invented by Patek Philippe first appearing in the Ref 5035 in 1996. The retail price then was approximately S$20,000 for a piece in gold. The current retail for Patek Philippe Annual Calendars in gold is circa S$62,000.

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