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New Year New Hublot Big Bang Hemp Fiber Gold Watch With New Female Extreme Charm Material

Hublot Big Bang Hemp Fiber Gold Watch

On this happy occasion of the New Year, the Swiss luxury watch brand Hublot innovative ideas and immortal classical perfect fusion of materials and the selection of new gilt diamonds, inventiveness to create the world’s first watch has a case of flax fiber, Highlight Feminist ultimate charm. Flax is one of the world’s oldest textile materials. For early humans, flax is a vital invention, this natural and prestigious materials at that time had little scope to be developed and cultured.

The first piece of debris flax history can be traced back thousands of years. Linen environmental pollution, is no doubt the green material. And gold is the first discovered and used by one of the metal, Hublot ever will flax fiber and valuable ancient gold to a new form of fusion material, writing the history of Haute Horlogerie, while writing a chapter in the New Year.

The new Hublot Big Bang replica watches china  hemp fiber gold watch inspiration originated from planting flax Swiss craftsmen. They hand harvesting, pick and choose the best linen, through traditional textile crafts, woven into linen fiber products. After using natural dyes to color, giving the watch unique bright colors. In the end, a very endowed femininity, colorful and precious Big Bang hemp fiber gold watch turned out.

Watch the series consists of four models: Xuanjin, pink gold, blue and gold as well as green gold. Diameter 41 mm Hublot Big Bang hemp fiber replica watch the perfect blend of gold so far the oldest known human history flax fiber and most widely used of gold, creating incredible classics. Case has a “vertical” flax fibers, finely divided powder gold randomized into which create a unique watch. Flax fiber and carbon fiber is different, it can render any color. In order to complement each other and the dial on the bezel of the 36 stones, but also have eight embellishment on the dial: white diamonds (Xuanjin), red spinel (pink gold), Topaz (blue and gold), green tourmaline (green gold).

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